About Us

We do one thing only.

We provide CEO Advisory Services. We’re not headhunters, interim CEOs, or generic management consultants. We are singularly focused on you as CEO and on your business from your point of view.

  • Our business comes by referral. We put our clients first, and they recommend us to their peers.
  • We’re not industry specific; we bring a perspective that’s unique in your industry
  • We support your goals, whatever they are. We have no agenda of our own.
  • Our basic principles of success are findable and can be replicated.
  • We’re always connecting other experts within our vast network.

Experienced entrepreneur John Hrastar founded McLean, Virginia-based InterSource in 1990. Our team currently includes Advisors in a variety of metropolitan areas nationwide. We’re continuously expanding our reach by building on strategic relationships with several organizations such as:  American Management Association, American Small Business Coalition, CXO Federal Forum, Grow Fast Grow Right, Inc. Magazine, and the Exit Strategies Institute         

The most capable Advisors.

Our Advisors have, on average, 20 years of experience in positions of business and management leadership and ownership. Their backgrounds encompass a variety of industries, companies, business cycles, and business situations.

Along with their real-world experience, Advisors are adept at acting as outside resources. They provide guidance, connections and introductions, but leave the control in your hands.

Work with a team focused on your “Profit-Ability.”

Normal business growth is not linear; it’s usually a vertical leap from one plateau to the next. While some pain is inevitable along the way, suffering is most definitely optional. Our goal is to build on your existing strengths and capabilities and have everyone focused on what they do best.

Instead of the latest management fad, we offer an approach founded on proven, empirical results and customize it to fit your specific business situation.

The InterSource Process for Dynamic Business Growth™ combines:

  • The most successful companies’ best practices
  • The most advanced thinking of business thought leaders
  • The experience of the CEO Advisor
  • A well documented methodology

Your company is a dynamic system. Everything is interrelated; a change in one area will affect all others. We therefore address every aspect of your growth, operation, ownership, and value at once. Rather than forcing you to follow a program of sequential steps, you and your Advisor may begin with the most pressing issues and move on from there.

With the help of an experienced Advisor, we help you look ahead.

Meet the right Advisor for you. Contact Us for an introductory consultation.


© 2007 InterSource

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