
We provide the tools. You provide the advice.

As an InterSource Advisor, you are free to focus on client relationships, spending most of your time with CEOs – client engagements and other activities.  Our methodology enables you to deliver the best of your experience to your clients, time after time. 

A reliable source of revenue. Our process provides a predictable revenue stream, unlike the on-again, off-again nature of individual projects. It also eliminates the need for hourly billing. The best part? The majority of the revenue goes to you.

Flexibility. Because InterSource client relationships are so content- and time-intensive, you decide how many clients to take on at a given time. As you work with each client, you have the freedom to customize our processes as you see fit. 

Methodology.  You have a proven, validated methodology at your fingertips. With the tools we provide, you help your client where they need it now, using your experience to guide them towards the future.  The client is more at ease knowing the process has proven time and time again to produce results. 

We handle administration and infrastructureWe take care of the details – contracts, collections, technology, and communications – so you can stay focused on clients.  We are constantly generating activity to develop new clients; you gain leverage from our combined efforts. 

A share of something valuable.  As an InterSource Advisor, you have the option to own a piece of something that’s rapidly growing in value.  Your partnership share is worth something above and beyond your earnings and is an asset in your financial future. 


Questions? Contact us to discuss our company culture.


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